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Teeth Whitening in Surrey Hills

Teeth Whitening Surrey Hills
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Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening can be a simple and safe way to refresh your smile. Whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures and the results can be quite dramatic. Teeth whitening uses scientifically-proven, safe products to remove stains , and gradually whiten your teeth. The procedures are well-documented, safe to perform and effective. With our professional home whitening kit, your teeth can be transformed and look quite a few shades lighter!

Tooth whitening is fantastic for the majority of people. However prior to teeth whitening, a thorough dental examination is the best way to determine what would be the right procedure for you. If there’s a reason for your teeth discolouration such as dental decay, it needs to be addressed first. You may have an underlying dental problem that needs treatment rather than a course of teeth whitening.

Teeth or gum sensitivity and fillings may prevent the use of some products. Your crowns and veneers will not change colour with dental whitening. Have a discussion with us and we will recommend the best solution for you.

While you could be tempted to go to a shopping center booth or a beautician to have your teeth bleached, unfortunately, the beauticians or retail staff are not experts in teeth. We have seen whitening burns to the gums and throats as well as irreversible damage to the teeth and gums. Dr Grace, Dr Lakshmi and Dr Quor and experts in whitening and combined have over 60 years of experience.

At Graceful Dental, we use a scientifically proven, professional whitening gel which whitens the teeth. There are two ways of whitening, “in chair method” and “take home method.” Research suggests that the take home whitening is more effective as whitening is best done over a few weeks. This is why at Graceful Dental, we recommend a DIY take-home whitening kit, done at your own pace. Chat to our friendly dentist if you would like whiter, brighter teeth. We are experienced in providing tailor-made effective whitening solutions and are looking forward to helping you achieve a whiter smile!

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